Thursday, May 1, 2008

freak story Revised!!!

A personal thing that has happened to me where i felt like a freak was when i had a practice for a play i was doing called, Ragtime. It was a very important practice because the whole cast were going to take photos in their costumes. so after an hour of putting on makeup and costumes and getting everybody on the stage to take the photos the directer told us to get in place for the opening number. "Everybody, take your places. Now I'm going to lower the curtain and when it comes up everybody has to be in position and ready to go for the pictures!" the directer called. so i was all ready to go when all of a sudden i started to feel kinda funny. i tried to just shake it off but right then i barfed all over the stage!!!

1 comment:

Kyle E. Wagner said...

Wow, how did that make you feel? How were the other kids in the play about it? Thanks for sharing your story.